Card employee
- Science degree:
- doctor of Historical Sciences
- Science title:
- professor
- Position:
- Professor - History, Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology
- Contacts:
Saint Petersburg, 9 Moskovsky pr., Emperor Alexander I St.Petersburg State Transport University, Office 1-224
Railway Engineer, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Construction of Routes in a Transportation System and Professor of the Department of History.
Graduated from Leningrad Institute of Railway Engineers (now the PGUPS) in 1971. Completed the post-graduate course in the Philosophy Faculty of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1977.
Engineer of the PGUPS Scientific-Research Sector; Assistant Lecturer, Associate Professor, Deputy, Chairman of the Commission for Transport Complex of the Leningrad City Council of People’s Deputies, International Relations Director of the Russian Open Joint-Stock Company High-Speed Rail Lines (РОАО «ВСМ») (1991–2004).
Expert in the railway signaling, block systems and communications, high-speed transportation systems, as well as history of transport. Author of numerous scientific papers, textbooks and manuals, participant in the development of projects related to high-speed rail in Russia.
Honorary Railway Worker. Awarded state awards. State Advisor of St. Petersburg, 3rd class.