Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University PGUPS





Research work

The principal problem to be solved by the University staff in the sphere of research activities is to solve scientific and engineering problems of the railway industry, individual railway and railway transport enterprises, transport facilities building and other segments of national economy. And there the first-priority is given to research works to be carried out within the scope of the state and branch-wise scientific and engineering programs.

Currently, there exists an effective system of scientific support for and formation of scientific innovative development and highly skilled specialists at the Transport University. Every year the University’s employees and faculty take part in preparation and realization of different kinds of scientific events, including international and all-Russia conferences, workshops, and round-tables.

Many scientists of this University have been awarded international, federal and regional grants in the sphere of sciences and technologies. The PGUPS students also take part in international scientific conferences; they are regular contestants and winners of research grants and scholarships.