Card employee

- Science degree:
- сandidate of Technical Sciences
- Science title:
- associate Professor
- Position:
First Vice-Rector, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs - Rectorate,
Professor - Railway Stations and Junctions
- Contacts:
Saint Petersburg, 9 Moskovsky pr., Emperor Alexander I St.Petersburg State Transport University, Office 7-230, 7-316
Railway Engineer, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Graduated from Leningrad Institute of Railway Engineers (now the PSTU) in 1986. Junior Researcher, Assistant Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor of Railway Stations and Junctions Department, Dean of the Faculty of Railway Operation (now the Faculty of Railway Operation and Logistics) (2004 — 2014), Vice-Rector on Pedagogical Work and Industry Relations.
A member of the Steering Committee of the Center for International Logistics JSC «Russian Railways» and Deutsche Bahn AG, Traffic Control Section of JSC «Russian Railways» Scientific and Technical Council and Educational-Methodical Commission in Railway Operation.
Specialist in the field of transportation processes management, transport logistics and modes of transport interaction. Author of more than 100 educational-methodical and scientific-methodical works. Participated in the implementation of project activities related to the development of St. Petersburg railway junction and railway stations servicing the ports of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. One of the authors of a unified integrated technological process of Ust-Luga Traffic Center.
Honorary Transport Builder. Honored Worker of the October Railway. Awarded Diplomas of the Railway Ministry of the Russian Federation, Central Directorate of Educational Institutions of the Railway Ministry of USSR and the President of JSC «Russian Railways», as well as the badge of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation «200 Years of Transport Education of Russia».