Transport Technician: Education and Practice

Peer-reviewed scientific journal.
The journal was founded in the year of the 210th anniversary of Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University I as a part of cooperation agreement between the University and Educational and Methodological Center for Education in Railway Transport.
The journal is an innovative communication platform for efficient dialogue and scientific discourse in the field of professional training for the transport industry.
It covers a wide range of issues of continuing professional education, training of qualified middle-level specialists, engineers, technical workers of railway and road transport.
- Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, 190031, Russia, St. Petersburg, Moskovsky pr., 9.
- Educational and Methodological Center for Education in Railway Transport, 105082, Russia, Moscow, st. Bakuninskaya, 71.
Publisher: Educational and Methodological Center for Education in Railway Transport, 105082, Russia, Moscow, st. Bakuninskaya, 71.
Frequency: 4 times a year.
Languages: Russian, English.
Registered in RSCI
Identifiers: ISSN 2687-1025 (Print); ISSN 2687-1033 (Online)
Registration certificate of the printed version: ПИ № ФС 77–77970 от 03.03.2020
Registration certificate of the electronic version: ЭЛ № ФС 77–77968 от 03.03.2020
Editorial office address: 105082, Russia, Moscow, st. Bakuninskaya, 71, Educational and Methodological Center for Education in Railway Transport

Tel.: +7 (495) 739-00-30 (180)