The scientific Council

- Science degree:
- candidate of Technical Sciences
- Position:
Rector - Rectorate,
Professor - Electric Power Traction,
Rector PGUPS - Board Of Trustees
- Contacts:
(812) 310-25-21Санкт-Петербург, Московский пр., д. 9, ауд. 7-226

- Science degree:
- doctor of Technical Sciences
- Science title:
- professor
- Position:
First Vice-Rector - Vice-Rector for Research - Rectorate,
Head of the Department - Technological and Ecological Safety
- Contacts:
(812) 436-98-88
(812) 457-84-59Saint Petersburg, 9 Moskovsky pr., Emperor Alexander I St.Petersburg State Transport University, Office 7-223

- Science degree:
- candidate of Technical Sciences
- Science title:
- associate Professor
- Position:
- Associate Professor - Electric Power Traction
- Contacts:
(812) 436-90-70Saint Petersburg, 9 Moskovsky pr., Emperor Alexander I St.Petersburg State Transport University, Office 7-214

- Science degree:
- к.пед.н.

- Contacts:
(812) 457-84-89
(812) 570-24-61Saint Petersburg, 9 Moskovsky pr., Emperor Alexander I St.Petersburg State Transport University, Office 7-214

- Contacts:
(812) 457-84-89
(812) 570-24-61Saint Petersburg, 9 Moskovsky pr., Emperor Alexander I St.Petersburg State Transport University, Office 7-214
General management of the University is carried out by an elective representative body — the Scientific Council headed by the Rector. All members of the Council, except Rector, Vice-Rectors and Deans, are elected by secret ballot. Vice-Chairman and Scientific Secretary of the University shall be elected from among the members of the Scientific Council by open ballot and approved by the order of Rector.
The Scientific Council’s term of office is 5 years.
As of March 2021, the University’s Scientific Council consists of 68 members
Duties of the Scientific Council of the University:
- define the main directions of the PGUPS development;
- resolve issues of the approvement and changes in the PGUPS corporate structure;
- adopt the statutes of the institute, branch, faculty and department; make decisions on social and economic issues, remuneration of labour and economic activity within the jurisdiction of the PGUPS;
- consider and approve the programs of employee’s social support;
- decide on the content and organization of the educational process in the PGUPS;
- approve research directions, review and approve the plans of scientific works;
- approve themes of doctoral theses and doctoral candidates;
- decide on sabbatical leave for lecturers to complete their doctoral and master’s theses;
- approve the scientific advisers for doctoral dissertations;
- approve PhD supervisors for master’s theses;
- elect the professors and heads of departments;
- recommend to the Ministry of Education and Science the PGUPS employees for scientific titles, and, in the cases provided by the Establisher, conduct the final examination for those who apply for the academic ranks of Professor and Associate Professor;
- approve the internal regulations; decide on confirmation with the rank of Senior Fellow of the University;
- apply to the Establisher for the extension of the Rector’s term of office when the Rector reaches the age of 65 years;
- apply to the Rector for the extension of Vice-Rector and Dean of the faculty term of office when they reach the age of 65 years;
- apply to the public authorities for the government awards and honorary titles for the PGUPS employees;
- approve provision of scholarships; establish nominal scholarships; recommend the PGUPS students for personal scholarships;
- approve the procedure for transfer from paid education to tuition free;
- organize the meeting of the PGUPS collective upon the request of at least a half of the Scientific Council’s members;
- solve other issues that are delegated to the competence of the Scientific Council according to the legislation of the Russian Federation;
- the Scientific Council of the University is responsible for control over fulfillment of the Russian Federation current legislation.
The Scientific Secretary of the University ensures and organizes the work of the Scientific Council.
Dissertation Councils are created at the University and work on a voluntary basis. They are considered as the main element of the system of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel attestation and are approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
Provisions of the Dissertation Council, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, determine order of the Dissertation Council’s formation and organization.
Dissertation Councils work under the supervision of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science. Dissertation Councils solve current issues within the jurisdiction of the Rector. The Rector of the University is responsible for ensuring the necessary conditions of Dissertation Councils’ work.