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Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University PGUPS





PGUPS student got the highest score in the International Student Olympiad

Achievements Education

At the end of March, the Second International Student Olympiad «Railway Signaling & Interlocking» was held on the basis of Omsk State Transport University.

The highest score was given to Alexey Barabanov, 3rd year student, group AT-102, faculty «Automation and Intelligent Technologies» (supervisor — associate professor of the department «Automation and Telemechanics on Railways» A.A. Bludov)!

Dmitry Berkut and Egor Brilko from Petrozavodsk branch of PGUPS (supervisor — teacher M.Y. Verkhoshintseva), as well as students of PGUPS — Dmitry Tikhomirov, Daria Grishchenko, Alexander Solovyov (supervisor — associate professor A.A. Bludov), Egor Chernov (supervisor — associate professor V.A. Shatokhin), Artyom Nabokov were awarded diplomas of the first degree.

Also, PGUPS students gained a solid collection of 2nd degree diplomas.

A total of 398 young people studying under the programs of higher and secondary vocational education from 34 subjects of the Russian Federation and three foreign countries took part in the Olympiad.